Thursday, January 21, 2010

Valentine Buttons

My daughter goes to a charter school where she wears a uniform.
I LOVE it.
Most of the time.

It's kind of a bummer around the holidays, though. She always has a cute Halloween t-shirt or Christmas dress that would be fun for her to wear to school.
We make due with accessories, instead.
Hairbows, bracelets, necklaces, earings...

Two years ago, when she was in Kindergarten, I made these sweet felt heart button covers.
They were looking a little worn, so I decided to make new ones this year.
We love them - I'll bet if you have a little one that wears a uniform, I'll bet she would love them, too!
They take about 90 seconds to make, here's how!

First, use the stiff felt at the fabric store.
When I made these I used plain red for 2 and pink with glitter for 3.

Figure out how big you want your hearts to be - just measure your space between buttons and decide what size you want.  Mine ended up about 1.75 inches from top to bottom.

Cut out your hearts.

Fold them in half (top to bottom) and cut a small slit for the button hole.

Slip them over the buttons and send your darling girl to school. She'll be the cutest one there!

Here's my cutie last year at her Valentines party. I was her room mother, we played a beanbag toss for one of the games. Isn't she adorable?


  1. How clever and so adorable! You can tell she loves it too...she's beaming! She's the cutiest one in the whole group!


  2. You are so creative! I like the idea of uniforms in school, and little touches like this can show individual personality!

  3. You are so creative! I like the idea of uniforms in school, and little touches like this can show individual personality!

  4. I would have loved these when I was uniform wearing little girl ~ what a great mom you are :)

  5. Very cute! I would love if you linked these (or any of your other fabulous ideas) up to my linky party!

  6. What a doll!! Nice job mom! So adorable.

  7. Mandy, she is adorable. How on earth did you come up with such a cute idea?? Love it. :)

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